Van Newsletter #1


I am writing to you from a coffee shop/bookstore in Tuscon, AZ. The bookshelves are riddled with books on politics, wars, and motherhood. The music switches from upbeat mexican tunes to low level rhythmic beats. I have eaten 5 vegan chocolate chip cookies and my stomach is about to burst.

Did I forget to mention I live in a van now? With my boyfriend (Ty) and his little dog. We are traveling the United States!

On November 11th we left Colorado and headed West. It wasn’t until 9pm that we had crossed into Utah and arrived to our campsite, a dispersed site somewhere on BLM land. When I awoke the following morning I slipped outside before Ty could wake up. The next few minutes consisted of a burst of energy categorized only by a fury of joy. I sprinted through the grasses and mud running up every mound, jumping and twirling in disbelief of where we were. I ran back inside the van and exclaimed ‘you have to come see this’.

My days consist of morning walks, working out and doing yoga; cliffside or next to cows, baking pretzels, drinking lemonade, oil painting, staring at the sun, and sitting in front of a fire. Life is simple and sweet. It is funny how three weeks later I still stop and laugh sometimes at the realization that this is my life.

I have witnessed four of the most beautiful moon rises in my life. I have heard wolves howling closer than I would ever like. I have befriended many curious bees. I miss home often but I am on an adventure.